Sunday, July 24, 2022

Giveaway time!!!


It's time for a giveaway!!!  Thank to all of my wonderful readers, I couldn't create the stories I do without you, I love you all.  (Back BI, Before Internet, I had no idea how bug a tribe I actually have, it's made my life so much sweeter)

And since it's almost August, hot as blazes, let's sit down and watch some  historical movies, read some holiday books (Christmas in July!), and pretend to be Jane as scratch away in our journals.  Just leave a comment here (what re you reading?  What do you want to read?  Where would you like to travel?  Eat?  Buy?  Where would you like to time-travel???)  A winner will be chosen between here and signing up for my (very infrequent) newsletter.  (amccabe7551 AT, with Newsletter in subject line...)

Good luck!!  We are trying to clean up to start moving, so more of these to come.....